weekend report

Oct 18, 2009 23:19

It was a weekend. There was much packing, though possibly not enough. But at least we now have a place to move into. It has the uber garage of doom, but a slightly smaller house. Some rearrangement of stuff will be needed.

Packing. Cataloging of books and packing.
Sweet off and much much much sugar. The theme was food from fiction and there was some very nice stuff.
Home and more book cataloging and packing.

Less rain but now from the south.
Packing. Cataloging of books and packing.
Dinner with R&S&A. Borrowed some of their boxes.
Home and more book cataloging and packing.

Can you spot a theme?

Current count is 1176 books catalogued (1 bookcase to go) and still not quite enough small book boxes. Big boxes filled with books mean I can't move them and that is suboptimal. More small boxes needed.

Time for sleep before work and more packing. wheeeeeee.


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