Nearly reached the other side of the coif (at the top). As such I am starting to have to contemplate what to do after finishing the blackwork*.
So, links with extant coif images and people discussing the finishing:
Overview of blackworkThe Purple files: Blackwork coifA Sixteenth Century Embroidered Coif (includes lining discussion)
Extreme costuming: Reproduction V&A Coif # T.28-1975 (includes lining discussion)
Making an Elizabethan Coifincluding
Coif gallery So the question will whether to line (easier for cleaning etc) or not to line (no extant examples with lining).
May also poke a bit with basic needle lace along the edges too.
Rainy rainy rainy rain.
* As procrastination from packing books and other packing which is what will probably be taking up the next few weeks.