
Jul 02, 2007 15:24

Sulk sulk sulk sulk sulk...

So, added as much wire as I thought necessary to the viking trichnopoly chain I was making for Z. Couldn't find the draw plate so Z made a new one. Tried tucking the wire ends in, but ended up cutting them off close to the main chain. And then drew it (well Z did).

Evened out nicely. Looked good, but you can still feel the little sharp sprag ends when running your fingers down opposite to the pulling direction. And it is plastic coated silver coloured wire, making it entertaining to solder ends onto anyway.

And still too short. Fits around my neck nicely, but definitely not around Z's. Which given it was started as a birthday present for Z last year...


But we have swept and mopped wooden floors. I have a new chest (well, Z redid the ends and now it is chest version 3 out of that wood), which wool and various projects have been transfered into. Ironically the most viking looking chest has the blackwork and doublet projects in... And you can see a great deal more lounge floor.

And Z has just made a nice large batch of sympathy popcorn which smells great but due to sore gums* I possibly shouldn't eat. Given the new mouthwash also appears to have nuked my tongue and mouth from orbit - feels burnt, which it really shouldn't...

Screw it, LKH vampire popcorn, real popcorn and a good beanbag time I think.

*Crooked wisdom tooth interaction and rubbing? Ouchie in any case

gums, projects, trichnopoly

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