Jun 29, 2007 14:16
I am occasionally quite terrible at following up on emails and replying to people - some of you may have noticed.
Finally got around to chasing up some astronomy stuff - replying about some visual estimates and getting back to NZ PhD supervisors about the papers that we all keep forgetting to work on (last contact early Feb, was supposed to be in contact at roughly monthly intervals - oops). Wont be in time for a conference I wont make it to in Vancouver in July, but that is ok*.
Digging out RV Tauri material - should update the visual estimates and consolidate more of that data - easy spreadsheet work, but having all the data together really helps.
The AGB paper is now formally out in MNRAS v 378, pg 1089. I'll forgive you if you don't read it, especially as I know how much a subscription to MNRAS costs - Canterbury Uni physical science library was supposed to try and cut ~$30 000 from their budget a couple years back and could do so by eliminating MNRAS, AJ and ApJ subscriptions. However being the 3 largest astronomy journals and probably being the only library in NZ to subscribe to them, luckily...
And non-astronomically:
1 finished (bar chin ties) pixie Viking coif (wool lined with silk - no I am evil and can't document the combination, but I like warm ears).
Banana bread works well, even without walnuts or the sunflowers seeds gotten by the weevils that were going to be substituted.
Have library books to return, but it feels wrong to return them without finishing and I am less than half way through Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and it is good reading.
* Pulsating star conferences are held every 2 years - missed the last one in Rome, but did make it to the two previous ones in Christchurch (_just_ after thesis submission) and Leuven (2001).