Sep 08, 2006 16:11
Given the roots were getting a couple inches long and the last time it was done was June or July, it was time to gloop up. Slack method this time - dumped ~1 c cider vinegar, 1 pack Piko's Egyptian red henna and whatever red wine made a vaguely decent consistancy, covered the bowl in gladwrap and left out in the sun for half an hour, then added a spoon full of honey with a spoonful of gelatine to a large cup of boiling water, mixed, then added into the henna and let cool for a while. Z applied, I sat and read for an hour (Pratchett's Maskerade in a nice patch of shade outside), then washed out. Result: hair is back to red. Usual patches of orange scalp.
Reading levels gone up a lot in the past 2 weeks, especially since arriving in Brisbane.
Current list:
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Shards of Honour
Barrayar (together as Cordelia's Honour) by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Warrior's Apprentice
"The Mountains of Mourning"
The Vor Game (together as Young Miles) by Lois McMaster Bujold
Heir to the Shadows by Anne Bishop
Queen of the Darkness by Anne Bishop
The Magic of Recluse by L E Modessitt
A Fall of Angels by L E Modessitt
Ethan of Athos
"Labyrinth" (together as Miles, Mystery, and Mayhem) by Lois McMaster Bujold
Just started Bujold's "The Borders of Infinity" and (as stated) Pratchett's Maskerade. And a blue linen tunic - currently cut out and some bits pinned together.
No job yet.
I think that about covers things.
Oh, and found a bat rookery near where we are staying (about 10 min walk away) so spent dusk last night watching lots of fruit bats drift across the sky in twos and threes and fours... Wildlife count doing well with the bats, little fishies, big fish eating little fishies, turtles, herons, ducks, geese, cockatoos, galas and occasional gecko in the bedroom.