(no subject)

Jul 31, 2012 01:09

Last night I stayed up in bed reading for a while before going to sleep. My bedroom window was propped open and there were these weird half snoring, half gurgling noises outside. They didn't sound human but I thought, well, if it's an injured dog or something, or a wild boar, I should tell someone, so I got a flashlight. Turns out it was two hedgehogs, very big ones, and one was apparently hitting on the other. How that worked out or if the other one even found the snoring attractive, I don't know. And then a different kind of groaning from either a neighbor house or from above me indicated that someone was getting lucky - or watching porn.

Until this weekend I was under the impression that my friend was just planning a small wedding right now and a bigger one with church, white dress, and the whole shebang next year. But it'll be the whole day, and there are 85 people coming to the dinner party - although she assured us most of them are part of her future husband's huge family. A couple of her former coworkers apparently won't come because she got pregnant without being married first... I'll leave that uncommented; you should know what I think about that.
Anyway, now I'm suddenly in dire need of a present that I thought I'd need next spring at the earliest. Hm. In Peru there's a tradition of gifting a pair of clay cows when someone finishes building a new house. It would fit since Peruvians usually only move in together once they marry. Only, I don't have a spare pair of cows standing around, and nobody wants me to make them myself. Maybe the local third world shop has some. Or I make a snowglobe, I did that once for a wedding before.

I have bad luck with traffic lately. Usually I take the train to work but today I drove by car because I had to do some shopping. In the afternoon the road home, which is quite highly frequented, was closed down because of an accident (costing one man his life, too, which is the most tragic thing about it). All cars had to take a detour via some tracks usually used by agricultural vehicles and bicycles or hikers. It was only wide enough for one car so people drove with two the tires on the asphalt, the other two on the grass. In the end a nice woman on a walk with her kids pointed me at a track away from where most other cars were going to (or coming from), and I was back on the main road five minutes later instead of half an hour.

Errol - in his food bowl. I'd worry about him sitting in his food, but I don't think I could find a bowl small enough anyway. And if I did, it wouldn't hold a lot of food. He's got a new running wheel that he seems to be able to control better, so no more loopings and falling out, at least.

life, pets, wtf

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