Aug 13, 2011 00:23
It's Christopher Street Day (Pride Parade) in Mannheim tomorrow. Anyone wants to come with me? It starts at 3 pm.
In my constant quest of ridding my office of my predecessors' messes I leaved through some file cabinets and threw away:
- Blank parts lists to be filled out manually. We've had a computer system for that for, oh, about six years now, and before that it was a different computer system.
- Applications for the ordering of parts. As far as I know my position never had anything to do with that.
- Fax headers. We have a fax machine in my department and once a year someone uses it, but I still think I won't need those anymore.
- (The best one) Applications for having an email sent out. Preeeetty sure our receptionist would keel over laughing if I filled out one of these and gave it to her.
I will finish that ten days me meme if it takes till Christmas... I also owe people comments. But I seem to get tired faster in my old age. Seriously, most days I go to bed far too late and this week I've barely made it longer than midnight each day. And I spent most of the evening on Skype with my sister. Who admitted to falling asleep in front of her computer earlier today. So I'm going to bed before the same can happen to me.