Various fandoms: Christmas card ficlets

Jan 15, 2008 01:45

Before I forget and they never get posted, the ficlets I wrote for the Christmas cards. I'm proud to say that everyone who requested one also got one this time.


for turloughishere, Lance/Nick, soap

Nick shrieked when the glass door of the shower opened and Lance stepped in behind him, reaching around him to turn the water off. "Do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"Nah, just spend some quality time in the shower." Lance tugged him around and picked the bar of soap from Nick's hand. He held it up for Nick to see, then deliberately let it slip from his fingers. "Oops. Dropped the soap."

for turps33, Chris/Lance, a sentence from the trickyfish story of much awesomeness

After the third time Lance shows him a pair of handcuffs and Chris only shrugs, Lance tips Chris' chin up with his fingers and asks, "What?"

Chris runs his fingers over the latest cuffs Lance passed to him, thick brown leather and silver buckles, small padlocks attached. He shrugs again. "I just think you should pick them out. 's not like I need to like how they look on me."

Lance takes the cuffs from him and puts them back on the rack, picking up another pair, a shade darker. He keeps his eyes on Chris' as he holds them up. "No. But you need to like how they look on me."

for rikes, JC/Justin, something schmoopy and christmassy

A drunk Justin was friendly enough, but a Justin drunk from eggnog, declaring to everybody at the party how much he loved them, even that friend of Joey's, Ray, that Justin always got into an argument with, had to be closely supervised. Or better yet, put to bed, so JC untangled the tinsel from Justin's neck, gently led him up the stairs and tucked him into bed in Joey's guest room. "Stay," Justin whispered as JC kissed his forehead, and JC kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers beside him.

for purelyironic, JC/Chris, surprise visit with surprise kiss

JC likes Chris' surprise visits, even if Chris sometimes - okay, most of the time - gives him several near heart attacks, suddenly lounging on JC's couch when he comes home or standing in the kitchen frying chicken. But the best time is the one when JC drags himself out of his studio late at night and Chris is already there holding out JC's pajama pants, sending JC off to the bathroom while he puts on fresh sheets. When JC comes back out, Chris tucks him in, bends down and kisses him, wanting to get JC's cheek, but JC's turning his head, so the kiss lands on his mouth. Chris pulls back again immediately, looking horrified, but JC just slings an arm around his neck and tugs him back down.


for killerweasel, something happy and Supernatural-related

Dean knows that food and him have a... special relationship. Sam says he's got a sweet tooth, but it's not only pie and ice cream, it's the simple pleasure in eating a burger that's so filled the tomato slice keeps slipping out that makes Dean just happy. Sam can tease him about it all he wants, roll his eyes and stifle a smile when Dean's devouring a home-cooked steak. It's all fine with Dean, more for him if Sam doesn't want it, and besides, when Dean's happy, Sam is, too, the big girl.

for mickeym, Sam/Dean watersports

Sam knows he shouldn't get off on this, his brother kneeling in the tub before him, holding himself still as the golden liquid splashes his chest. But he does anyway, and it's not only the act itself, pissing on Dean, for God's sakes, it's also the way Dean looks down, head bent, lips slightly parted, dick hard against his thigh. Dean trusts him, unconditionally, and Sam loves him for it, so much it hurts because it wasn't always like that, them trusting each other with their lives. So when Sam jerks himself off over Dean's face, Dean opening his mouth for it, Sam tells him. Whispers, but he knows Dean hears every word.

This one actually ended up as a contribution for mfac, but I haven't posted it here yet.

When Sam was young they stayed with Bobby over Christmas once, back when Bobby's wife was still alive. They had a real Christmas tree, and Sam and Dean were allowed to decorate it, fighting over whether there should be tinsel on it or not.

Then there was the Christmas he spent with Jessica and her parents, a plastic tree but looking real enough, and he held up Jess' little sister so she could put the angel ornament on top.

He's never had one again until now, when Dean drags a huge fir through the door of the empty house they're squatting in, stolen God knows where, and beams at Sam, blue knit cap on his head, cheeks pink from the cold outside.

"Merry Christmas, Sammy," he says, and Sam wants to shake his head, but brings in the tree stand from the Impala and helps Dean put it up. Later Dean makes hot cocoa and they sit in front of the tree, fighting over real candles versus string lights and the box of horrible ornaments Dean bought.

"I didn't get you anything, you know," Dean says suddenly, head bent slightly.

Sam bumps Dean's knee with his own. "Yeah, you did."


for ihearthings_ii, Jensen/Jared, schmoopy J²

Jensen loves to wake up held tightly in Jared's embrace, warm and safe with Jared's arms around him, watch the minutes tick by on the clock on the bedside table and wait for Jared to stir behind him, press a sleepy kiss to Jensen's shoulder. "Morning," Jared whispers, fingers trailing down Jensen's body, nose buried in Jensen's neck, and Jensen reaches back to pull him closer and closes his eyes again.

for hegemony, Jensen/Jared, Filling out Holiday Cards together

"Did you write to everyone on the crew?" Jensen looked up when Jared dumped a new stack of cards in front of him, already filled out and signed by Jared.

"Nah, only half. Go put your pretty name on them, Jensen." Jared flopped on a chair and watched Jensen scribble his own signature on the cards next to Jared's.

Jensen paused when he got to Bob's card. He chewed on his lower lip. "You think it's a good idea if we're writing these together?"

"You want to write your own?"

"Uh -"

"That's what I thought. C'mere." Jared pulled on his arm until Jensen had to put down the pen and get up or fall off his chair. He allowed himself to be tugged onto Jared's lap. "I don't care what anyone thinks or if they figure it out. Not anymore." He whispered the last words in Jensen's ear, heads pressed together, Jensen breathing softly on Jared's neck. "Okay?"

Jensen just nodded.

"Good." Jared pulled back a little and kissed Jensen's forehead. "Now hurry up, we haven't even gotten to family yet."

cw_rps, fiction, supernaturalfic, popslash

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