Popslash: Role Model (Chris/JC)

Nov 01, 2007 00:26

Happy TrickC Day!
(We'll pretend it's still TrickC day where I am, yeah?)

I wanted to write something, so I just lay down on the couch and started. This is what came out. This is probably the lowest-rated thing I've witten since I started writing Slash. PG, I'd say, PG-13 at the most. And Chris/JC.

Role Model

JC liked surprises, he really did. Just not so much when they were sitting cross-legged on his bed munching Oreos and getting crumbs all over the sheets when JC came out of the shower. Naked.

JC made some undignified squeaking noise that Chris would very likely call him on later and fled back into the bathroom where he nearly ripped the towel rack from the wall in his haste to pull a towel down to cover himself with.

"'s nothing I haven't seen yet!" Chris shouted after him.

"And you're not seeing it again if I can help it!" JC shouted back. If Chris got close enough to sniff-test he'd probably also comment on the vanilla body lotion, but there was nothing to be done about that now. He walked out holding onto his dignity and onto the knot of the tiny towel that threatened to fall off otherwise. He really needed to do laundry, he had to have some bigger ones somewhere.

Chris was still eating, little brown spots on the clean white sheets around him.

"Is there something you wanted or are you content to just eat your way through my cookie stash?"

Chris threw his hands up dramatically. "A guy can't just visit his best friend when he feels like it?"

"I'm your best friend?" JC raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you were, before you started hanging out with Backstreet. That's like... treason." Chris grinned at him.

"Says the guy who conspired with LFO and 98 Degrees to form a super-boyband." Too bad that JC's wardrobe had sliding doors and he'd probably look stupid hiding in it to get dressed. He'd have to try and get his underwear on under the towel since he didn't think Chris would do him the favor of covering his eyes.

"Manband," Chris said.

"Whatever," JC said. "And of course you can visit me, just - try the doorbell maybe? Not use the key I gave you for emergencies."

"This is an emergency." Chris crumpled the empty Oreos wrapper into a ball and threw it at JC's trashcan. At, not in, mind you.

"Yeah, you nearly made it one when you almost gave me a heart attack."

JC was balancing on one leg already in his boxers, one still out when Chris said, "Do you think I'm gay?"

"What?!" JC's foot missed the boxers completely and he tumbled down in an ungraceful heap. The towel popped open and slid neatly down his hips on both sides. JC scrambled to tug the boxers up. Chris looked smug, the bastard. He'd done that on purpose.

"Lance said he believed I was," Chris said.

"In his book?" JC asked, his cheeks burning.

"Nah, in an interview. Because I used to hang out with Wade."

"Wade is gay?"

Chris shrugged. "I didn't think so. But I guess Lance's got the better gaydar."

JC hobbled back to his wardrobe. His ankle hurt. He turned around briefly to ask, "We going out?" Chris shook his head, so JC chose a pair of sweatpants and a matching shirt. Staying in meant comfortable but not unfashionable.

He waited for Chris to say something, repeat his question since JC hadn't exactly answered it, but Chris was silent, apparently fascinated by the threads of JC's sheets all of a sudden. So JC eventually just blurted it out. "Are you? Gay?"

"Funny that you should ask. You know, I think this is what Lance wants to do being all role-model-y and shit, a guy can just come up to his friend and ask -"


"Not... really?" Chris was fidgeting. He uncrossed his legs and stood up, pacing in front of the bed. "It's just that lately I've been thinking about..." He looked at JC and waved his hand. "You know."

"That was one time!" JC protested. "Ages ago. That doesn't make you gay."

"It was a whole weekend, C," Chris reminded him. "Definitely more than once. And it's not only that." He paused his pacing. "I keep thinking how I... want to see it again."

"See what?" JC asked. Chris just glanced down his body. Oh. "You want to see my dick?"

Chris licked his lips. "Not just see it. Touch it, suck it, whatever you seemed to like the first time."

"I like different stuff now," JC said and nearly clapped a hand over his mouth. He couldn't have said something more appropriate like you're nuts?

"We could find out," Chris said, stepping closer. The hand he put on JC's waist didn't even feel foreign there. "What we like."


"C'mon." Chris leaned up and kissed the corner of JC's mouth. JC turned his head a little and kissed him back.

"I just got dressed," JC argued.

Chris pulled back to leer at him. "Oh, we can change that."

Later, when Chris had declared himself fully reacquainted with JC's dick - for now - and who the hell used vanilla body lotion anyway, and by the way, JC screamed like a girl, JC picked up his phone and slurred a "Thank you," into it.

He hung up before Lance could even finish his confused, "JC? Wha-"


fiction, popslash

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