(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 01:21

Gah. I re-installed Windows for my parents, which is always so much fun! It just refused to boot, claiming there was a "software error". And because nothing is ever easy with Windows XP, to install Windows you have to completely delete the old version, which means that all the programs on this computer are still there, but don't exist for Windows anymore, and I need to re-install them all as well. Great.

My parents and I want to go to Paris for a day in the summer, because there's a special offer of the German train company (DB) to inaugurate a new railway line. Tickets are limited and supposed to go on sale on April 10. Which for me means midnight, for the DB apparantly, it doesn't. I hope we'll be able to get some this morning.

In the meantime, have a meme. I, by the way, was always too late to answer these for anybody, but would've sucked anyway.

Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite TV shows. Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these picks. Have your friends guess the show names.

1. Supernatural, Famous Opening Theme, Basement Office -- X-Files
2. Principal, Sister Sister Relationship, Returning Character Killed Off -- Buffy
3. Gay Brother, Dysfunctional Family, Death -- Six Feet Under
4. Missing Father, Ghost Hunter, Suspense -- Supernatual
5. Lost In Space, Muppet, Warrior Race -- Farscape
6. Blood, Sex Addiction, Syringe Nip/Tuck
7. Lawyer, Karaoke, Rogue Demon Hunter -- Angel
8. Moon, Super Villain, Title Spoken By Character -- Sailor Moon
9. Colleagues, Limp, Sarcasm -- House
10. Saxophone, Grandfather, Neighbor -- Simpsons

vacation, meme, bitching

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