Ficlet: ... and other burning questions of the universe (Lance/Nick)

Jan 08, 2007 23:08

I managed the overwhelming number of two ficlets for the Christmas cards last year, and one wasn't even a request. I'm sorry if you didn't get one. Anyway, I'll post the two that I did write, and cheat horribly with the first one, since it fits one of the slashfic25 prompts.

for turloughishere and for slashfic25, prompt #5, school

... and other burning questions of the universe
by mira


"Hm?" Lance pushed his glasses higher on his nose and turned the page without looking up.

"Why is the sky blue?"

Huh? Lance lifted his head. Nick was straddling a chair across from him, elbows propped on the table, chin in his hands, smiling far too innocently. On the other hand - it sounded like a fairly harmless question. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Just curious," Nick said.

"Well," Lance said, laying his pen aside, "You know, sunlight is actually a mixture of various colors ..."

"... and that's why we only see the blue. So. That answer your question?"

"What?" Nick licked his lips, looking dazed, as if Lance had just woken him up.

Lance huffed a sigh. "Did you even listen to a word I said?"

"You look fucking hot in glasses," Nick blurted.

"Yes, thank you. Now did you - Wait. Did you just ask me that so I could explain science to you in my glasses?"

"You look fucking hot explaining stuff, too," Nick said eagerly.

Lance sighed again and pointed at his script. "I need to read this."

"I know."

"Wendy expects it back by Monday."

"I know."

"Man, if you wanted to have sex, why didn't you just ask?"

"I didn't say anything about sex." Nick grinned.

"You were thinking it." Lance reached out and fisted his hand in Nick's shirt, pulling him up and halfway across the table. "C'mon, before I change my mind. Bedroom."

Nick leaned in and bit Lance's chin. "Only if you leave the glasses on."


fiction, popslash, slashfic25

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