SGA FIC: Reflections in Water

Apr 15, 2010 09:42

Title: Reflections in Water
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Jennifer Keller, others, original characters.
Spoilers: It would be easier to tell you what wasn’t mentioned…suffice to say that if you have watched all of the episodes with Dr. Elizabeth Weir or discuss Weir then it most likely included as is just about everything else.
Warnings: Minor bad language, lots of angst, there is whump, mention of possible self-injury.
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 16,658
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.

Summary: Upon the anniversary of a tragic loss, Sheppard’s in pain and his team is distraught at not being able to help him.

Author’s Notes: This story is more of a character study with some action and there is whump…more emotional but some physical as well. The first chapter is really more of prologue or introduction in length and each of the other chapters varies in length due to which character’s point of view is being presented.

As for the common thread that you will see in the story, it came from a prompt table in Daily Fiction on LiveJournal months ago. The prompt was bathroom and it led to this story. Weird…I know; what one word can trigger. Anyway, I will shut up now and hope you enjoy. As always, I really like hearing from you no matter what you want to say.



By stella_pegasi

Life is not about waiting for the storms to’s about learning how to dance in the rain.



Gate Room

When they came through the gate, Rodney was rubbing his bruised jaw; Teyla was limping slightly and favoring her right hip, and Ronon was sporting a swollen, black eye. They had gone to Kieren, the latest planet to join the new Pegasus Coalition, to finalize a trade treaty between Atlantis and the Kieren Council. Everything had gone well and SGA-1 left the council chambers with a signed treaty and no one injured. No one, at least, until Rodney insulted a very large Kieren Councilman and the fistfight began.

Colonel Sheppard was last to exit the gate and was the only one who appeared to be unhurt. He didn’t look at anyone as he quickly walked across the gate room floor wanting to get to the infirmary as soon as he could, get his post mission physical over with, and go to his quarters. He had almost gotten away when Rodney spotted him.

“Sheppard! Where the hell were you when that overgrown Neanderthal hit me? The guy decked Ronon! He threw Teyla against a wall. He could have killed me! I didn’t know what I said was going…” Rodney stopped talking, as Sheppard turned toward him with a cold stare, his eyes black and his expression grim. Teyla was standing close to Rodney and she gently placed a hand on his arm. Rodney realized what he had said and stood with his mouth open, without a clue how to take it back. Sheppard continued to stare at him for few seconds, then turned quickly and continued on to the infirmary.

Their radios crackled and Woolsey’s disembodied voice told them to report to the conference room for a post-mission briefing as soon as their physicals were completed. Teyla was trying to catch up with the colonel, who was striding quickly down the corridor, to see if she could calm him down. As he listened to Woolsey, she saw Sheppard tense up, his hands clench into fists, and he started walking even faster.

Conference Room

Ronon was leaning against the wall of the conference room, his eyes never leaving his team leader. He didn’t have to look over at Teyla and McKay to know that they were watching Sheppard as well. Today was the third anniversary of a painful loss for all of them but while the three of them found the anniversary easier to deal with as time passed, for John Sheppard the pain never seemed to lessen. In the last few days, the team had watched Sheppard as he became more and more detached from them, his mood changing from cranky, to sullen, and then to silence. It was the silence that worried them the most.

John Sheppard was staring at the wall, his face expressionless but his green eyes betraying the emotional pain that was building inside him. After asking Sheppard the same question three times without a response, Woolsey looked over at Teyla for assistance. With just a slight movement of her head from side-to-side, Woolsey understood, the debriefing was over.

Rising from his chair, Woolsey looked at each of the exhausted team members, “I realize that you are all very tired so I think we should continue this in the morning. Go get something to eat and then get some rest.”

Teyla, who was sitting next to Sheppard, knew the he had not heard Woolsey. She tapped him on the shoulder and quietly said, “John, we can leave. The meeting has been adjourned until the morning.”

Sheppard continued to stare at the wall for a few seconds more before he looked up at Teyla; then abruptly stood up, turned away from his teammates, and left the room. They watched Sheppard’s tall, lanky form as he descended the steps in the gate room. The last glimpse they had of him was his dark, spiky hair.

hurt/comfort, jennifer keller, pg-13, angst, teyla emmagan, rodney mckay, sga, ronon dex, richard woolsey, john sheppard, gen

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