tricked out ride...?

Jun 28, 2008 20:31

something that bothers me, on occasion, is the fact that some of the cars in the parking lot at my apartment complex have bullet holes in them. about a year or so ago, there was a mustang that had a couple of bullet holes in the door on the driver's side, and now there's a small white car that has a bullet hole in the passenger side. so... maybe they bought a used car with a bullet hole in it? i don't really want to know the story behind said bullet hole, but imagine my surprise (and perhaps a little fear) when i noticed a few days ago that little white car now has several bullet holes in it. on both sides. i took a closer look, and i noticed that new bullet holes are not actually bullet holes, but stickers. stickers that you can put on your car to make it look like it's been shot at. and little white car is not the only one that has these stickers, either. there's a green altima or otherwise nissan-ish car that also has bullet hole stickers, on the doors of the car, as well as a shattered glass-looking bullet hole. what?! does it make you look cool if you look like you've been in a drive-by? are you trying to earn some street cred without actually having to earn it? i mean come on! i haven't really got anything else to say about it. bullet hole stickers....
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