They're all out to get me

May 11, 2005 15:31

Sometimes I can't help feeling singled out. I know its nonsense but I like to think that the reason some things happen is because of a greater conspiracy. One involving the "Powers that be" be that the illuminati, the Government, MI5, Tescos, the man in the post office that looked like Elvis or whom-so-ever is in favour this week and Me. Of course, if you know me well you'll know I really dont believe half the shit I spout but I gain great pleasure from trying to convince people that the fruits of my over active imagination are real. Again those that know me well join in and make even more outlandish suggestions. Those that dont look at me bewildered, confused and even concerned for my mental well being. But I assure you as I said, most of the conspiracy stuff is utter bollocks and I know it.

Anyway, today I mentioned in a comment on one of poggs' posts about buses how whenever I'm waiting for a bus none will show yet when Im not you cant move for the buggers. Which made me think. I've never really written about this side to me. Ok some people love it. Of course others hate it (probably because they think I really do believe the shite I spout) some even become hostile, which I find sad.

So. After that windfilled explanation on with the show....Here for your delight and mind to chew over, are how they are trying to undermine me....why? I havent a clue....possibly because Im the real heir to the throne....

1. When I'm waiting for a bus or train :-
  • a) millions of buses or trains that I can't get will sail past empty yet mine will always be chockablock and infrequent.
  • b) The bus or train I want will only come every 3 years even though
  • c) The line of buses I cant get will go so far down the road from the bus stop that the bus I want cant see me and will go sailing past on its merry way.
  • d) Some old myopic biddy (who is of course a secret agent for the sinister organisation) will flag my bus down and then wave it on because she doesnt want it (without ANY consideration for others that may be waiting for it)

2. I'll find some food/hair product I really like. Then mysteriously (like almost over night) it will disappear from the shop shelves. An example of this is Heinz Pepperoni Pizza's. Yumtastic. Now you cant find them for love nor money.

3. I'll find a resturant that does really good quality food with really excellent service. When I take others to impress them the service is shite, the food substandard or its closed or changed management.

4. When in a rush I'll always end up behind Mr "Slow and considerate" and in front of Mr "Im in a rush get a move on you twat"

5. Some fucker will go into my bag and discharge the battery on my MP3 Player the day I need to listen to it. The same fucker will do the same to my mobile phone when I've not got my charger.

6. Whenever I'm waiting for an important piece of mail. The postman (who is in the employ of the "sinister" organisation behind my persecution) will hold on to the post or accidently lose it on purpose.

7. If I get excited over a particular TV listing, like so excited I cant wait and am bubbling with anticipation like a bottle of Grand Prix Mumm
  • Some fucker will call on the phone when its on
  • Some fucker will call round when its on
  • Some famous fucker will die and it will be resheduled (or delayed thus fucking up any video settings)
  • Some fucker will do something tasteless and the program/film will be indefinately postponed on the grounds of taste

8. If I get into a TV serial:-

  • Be assured that someone will distract me and drag me away during a crucial moment
  • I will forget (due to the mind rays that they beam at me) and miss key episodes
  • It will be rescheduled to a time
    • - when I cant be bothered to stay up
    • - thats abhorent to God
    • - when Im at work
    • - when I'm otherwise occupied
9. When I really fancy a cup of tea, a bowl of cornflakes or something milk involved, sinister agents raid my fridge or turn any milk in it sour.

10. The expensive electrical gadget I covet for months turns out to be a turkey when I finally get the thing. Either that or I'll buy it and a week later it'll be like 50p for 3.

There are more....but they've turned the brain rays onto me again and I cant remember what they are....

paranoia, the-world-about-me, philosophy, classic

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