Jul 25, 2004 19:05
Last night I was disturbed by an opinion poll I watched. I watched this thing for about 2 hours even though I was about to fall asleep.
I simply had to see the thought process of people who had not made up their minds or who flip flopped on who to choose. (that little descriptive observation made me realize they probably would not know who they pull the trigger for when they do vote) Hanging chads anyone?
After I got disgusted and turned off the TV I lay awake. I was wondering how, in this day and age with all the information literaly at our fingertips, someone could not know the answers to the questions they ask themselves.
In my mind, even if you are wrong,in my opinion,if you are informed and intelligent enough to get the answers you seek then you are a couple of rungs up the ladder. Three people in the focus group kept repeating the Dem. Party talking points. Hamburger jobs,lied about WMD, Loose cannon etc..
Most of the women kept calling Bush strong and all said he would be a good neighbor and a friendly helpful fun neighbor to have. Does that imply trust and respect? How can you like a person and not trust them? It seems immature.
The job stats are all over the TV and the printed media not to mention the Bush web site as well as countless other internet sources. (even though I must weed through all the campaign crap I can find facts and resources on the campaign sites) If I cannot get what I want from one news source I go to another. The choice is amazing and I can always find what I want without ever leaving the house.
It makes no sense someone would not know the jobs are good although moving in a direction geared toward tech & engineering as well as management. If you are not willing to change with the times you will be left scrambling for what was left by someone willing to change. Ever notice how many people are selling buggy whips these days? "National manufacturing employment is up by 64,000 jobs since its low in January." unemployment is lower than at Clinton's best years" . These people said they were for the most part aware of the condition of the economy when Bush came into office but were not aware of the advancements made in restoration of the economy.
The issue of WMD disturbs me. I see the issue different than many people I suppose. My question is where are they? I cannot fathom how all the varied Countries and organizations, (including the French) would believe for all these years that he had them when he did not. I believe he had them and hid them. I believe the matter is a race of who finds them first. What happens when you swat a hornet's nest? It is a huge mess and dangerous. Some get mad and calm very quickly then there are the ones who strike everything that moves or is in the area. These terrorists are mad hornets and they will kill anything and everything that is in their path. While we search for dangers and try to handle things in a safe calm cool manner these people are out to strike whatever they can no matter who is hurt. They (terrorists, not Iraqi's)will give up their own lives and those lives of their family and friends to just take 1 person who is against them.
This is vastly foreign to us who live so safely and openly with many types of differences of opinion surrounding us.
But the matter of WMD in my mind is basically solved. We have found a semi-container full of mustard gas. We found a bomb full of cerrin gas that was detonated by the terrorists badly and did not set off properly. Buried jet fighters in the desert that no one knew existed. Many more small stores of suspicious articles and the telling paperwork that these dictators seem to leave behind documenting their greatness nevertheless telling us what we need to know eventually. All I can say on WMD in the end is I hope we find them before they do. I guess the Dems are probably saying these things were planted,I would not put past them.
The "Cowboy , Loose Cannon" issue amazes me. Loose cannon I suppose comes from the fact that he makes a decision and implements the plan and designates qualified individuals to carry them out. OH NO! he actually ACTS. Nothing bothers me more than someone who talks an issue to death. The problem with talking too much is, problems always exist in plans. The thing about plans is they constantly change with the changing conditions and no one gets it 100% right. Like the way a game changes depending on who the players are. As the players change in the war on terror so does the game. The goal though is to keep their folly from our shores and the President has done well with that. I like cowboys. I like my horses and I like people who say what they mean and mean what they say. I like it that President Bush has not used minorities as tokens to get points with separate voter groups. H is the first president I can remember who has used minority men & women in positions of true national policy and power.
I ask myself "Who does Osama and Saddam want to be president?" That is the man I do not who I want to be president.
Osama and Saddam do not want G.W. Bush to be President so that is who I vote for no matter what damage they try before the election.