Our President has been pushing for attention to this matter since he took office, however the media does not choose to make the issue important enough to warrant attention.
Instead silly "gay rights" (and I mean silly) is in the news constantly. The 'sexual rights' of people choosing to wave a red flag in the face of religious organizations,has taken more precedence with the media than the"basic rights" of the average world population.
I have first hand experience with abuse, poverty, rape and loss of dignity. My heart aches for the people who suffer these indignities. I know my personal experiences can in no way compare to the horrors these people face but I think my experience helps me understand how important this issue is.
Many people speak of the horrors of slavery 200 years ago and it is a horrible part of our history. But how horrible compared to the fact that it exists in this day and time.
People evolve to their environments as other animals and plants do, but humans have the ability to care and nurture to change at will with patience, education and understanding.
The President has faith that the majority of humanity have compassion, faith and goodness. Whether or not we share "religion" is not an issue with me. George Bush honors what he believes and I respect him for it as well.
The issue is values and goals. Buddhas believe in heaven & hell, Fullness & emptiness, good & bad, nothing & everything, life and death. All of the religions I know of in the world believe in those things. When I visited a Muslim country I expected to pray with the Muslims when in their company and they prayed. Likewise for other places or people I visit. I expect them to honor what they believe whether or not it is what I believe. I will honor them for that. But I expect if a knife is raise toward me against what I believe I will raise the knife in defense of what I believe. What I believe is simple. All people have the right to live as they choose as long as it does not infringe on others rights to live as they choose within the law of huMan.
I worry for the good people who want world peace, who will never fight and need those of us who will fight, in order to have their peace. Those people for the most part hate those of us who will give up what is safe and comfortable for others beliefs. The truly tolerant are those who would risk all for those who would risk nothing.
All through history those who would not fight were destroyed. The United States of America will always be strong and has always been strong, in her defense of the Meek as well as because of her defense of the Meek.
These people I have no doubt have good hearts but they need to know; We do not have our freedoms because of their belief. They have their freedoms because WE have the belief that the meek way of life is worth fighting for.