I fully expect to get a diamond ring from
nora1980 soon. You know, you can't shoot white stuff all over my face and then not marry me, I'm just not that kind of girl. At the mall, in front of hundreds of people, even! I expect we'll be announcing a date soon.
Of course, the "white stuff" was just body lotion. It was hilarious. I was buying some leave-in conditioner, and Nora found this fabulous smelling oatmeal cookie body lotion. She wanted me to smell it, squeezed the bottle, and suddenly, I had body lotion all over my face. It was hilarious, I thought my head would explode from laughing. The girl at the counter didn't think it was that funny, but we had a good time. Nora was too mortified to actually buy the lotion, though, and it smelled sooooo good! I know, I could smell it for two hours. Ah, that was great. And Nora? They also sell the lotion at KaDeWe, you can get it there, they don't know us yet. lol