Nov 14, 2003 15:32
Today I really had an odd and slightly scary experience at work. I had a rather difficult week at work, I don’t know, I think I just lost my calmth which I had developed since I stopped drinking coffee (that toxic is so fucking addictive! And bad for your body alltogether). I got stressed and today I think one imaginary man hit me with a rubber hamer. I was out, I felt like that Radiohead song “This is not me, this isn’t happening”. I just shut everything out, just sat there, starinmg at my screen and blocked everything out. It felt scary, and I also had to cut off the monologue one colleague had with me (just told him “Not now.”). I think it’s my HSP (which stands for Highly Sensitive Person). I’m currently reading a book about this, because when I heard about that book I just felt that this was a book about me. And it truly is. Anyway, in that book they suggest that when the world around you is overwhlming you, and it really was, you should try to shut yourself down. I felt like I had a “Out of order” shield haning around my neck, but you know what? After I blocked out for about 5 minutes, I did feel a lot better (graduatly) and was able to function properly again.
I can recommand the book about HSP. It is very usefull, especially when you yourself are suffereing from HSP. It’s such a relief to read about it and realise that you aren’t a nutcase and strange and weird and everything after all. I actually knew that already (I was bewondered why other people didn’t understand me sometimes). It’s just a good feeling.
Okay, enough babbled. I just like to send out some hugs to Miss Molko and now I’m going home! Cheers!