So first off I just want to say that I'm feeling a whole lot better about everything. I mean... except I still need to talk to Seth more. I don't know how to explain it but first off Seth Clayton has never told me he's loved me before. Until yesterday. BUT I hope hope hope it was just a friendly thing. And I'm pretty sure it was. Except there's more but I'm not going to get into that. So all in all, I'm ok.
LAST NIGHT WAS STAR WARS!!!1!!! Oh my god. It was great. It was beautiful. I cried. I loved it. I can't get over it at all. I'm running on four hours of sleep right now and I shall definitely be getting coffee before I go back to school. I just can't sleep. It's not going to happen. But yes, I went to the midnight showing of Star Wars last night and I was in theater 12 (!!!!) with Lauren, David, James, Stu, Connor, and Katie. Allie, Erin, and Paul were in theater 10 and Beth and Julia were in 13. Everyone was pretty split up but it was still awesome hanging out in the lobby beforehand. But the movie was waaaaay better than Episode I and II and Hayden Christensen totally redeemed himself. What a hottie. God, I don't really give a shit about celebrity crushes anymore but Hayden is so hot! Everyone knows that I want to do Darth Vader. It's nothing new. GO SEE STAR WARS. I'll go with you!
Alrighty, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I am off to do English hw now, because it's the right thing to do. Here's an icon Quinn made (that I totally inspired). Ciao lovelies!