Mar 22, 2008 13:24
So on Tuesday, Amazon put the One Piece Wii game in my Gold Box. I was hesitant to buy it because, well... I didn't have a Wii. But it's not a game I expect to become a greatest hit, so I figured some savings is better than nothing. So I ordered it.
Today, I had to go to town. And what do I find at Target? A WII!!!! But at first I walked away from it because a little girl and her mom were behind me and were talking about it and there was only one in the display case and I didn't want to be the jerk that took it away from a kid. But it gnawed at me while I was still the store, so I rushed back and it was still there! I asked the clerk, and they actually had gotten 6!!! So I bought it! I'm so relieved, I've been looking forever!!! Could I afford it? HELL NO! The best part was that it was like 2 hours after they opened. So apparently no big rush. I always thought they got them on Sunday if they got any, but perhaps because of the holiday tomorrow... they got them today. I've been trying to win one at CompUSA's contest, I'm still gonna keep trying. maybe I can win one for Yosh. ^_^
My arms are so tired. ^.^ I wish I had more hair color options with the Miis though. :( I can't make Trunks... I am super thrilled so now when Wii Fit comes out I can get it!!!!! Well provided it's available. Whatever.
And I got my newest One Piece reproduction cel today! And yesterday I got my ones from the first movie which klet and I weren't 100% were authentic. But I totally believe 100% that they are. I am so stoked. Now, hopefully with the help of my Wii, I will lose weight next week. Nobody is here for Easter so I'm solo tomorrow... so it shouldn't be a problem. :) Oh, and have a happy one to everyone out there!