(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 03:38

Title: Shadow

Rating: PG
Summary: Peter is getting to grips with his life...or else.. (first in series)
Spoilers: Up to and including Marionette
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even close.
First fanfic in this fandom so nervous!

"Now." Walter stopped speculatively in front of the counter, evaluating all the wonders on offer. "They say they have strawberry milkshake, Yes?" He nodded distractedly over the counter at the waitress who was waiting for their order. " What are you having, Peter?"

Peter grinned at his dad's excitement as he took out his wallet for the two milkshakes and paid for them (2 strawberry milkshakes). Ok his dad was arguably mad as a hatter and yet to have pleasure in the simple things. The simple things/her face over a cup of coffee/ a shadow passed over his face at the thought. He shook his face slightly and refocused on Walter. He was slurping over the dregs of his milkshake.
Walter gestured at it.

"Yes, Walter, You can finish it off." He handed it over while Walter put aside his own one. Walter looked up surprised as if he had only noticed that Peter was across the table from him and looked at the milkshake he had been given more thoroughly.

" But son, you barely touched it," Walter's face frowned in thought, "come to think of it, you haven't ate much over the past few days." Walter looked at Peter hesitantly with an examining eye. Peter looked warily over at Walter, rubbing his hands with a napkin. They stared at each other.

Peter threw the napkin down with a grim smile. " I'm going to the bathroom, Walter." Hegently put a hand on his shoulder as he headed towards the restroom. "Don't wander off, Walter." Walter looked up at him with a soft, sad smile and patted his hand. "Of course, Son." They looked at each other a long moment as Peter passed.

Peter felt a lump in his throat, swallowed it and sedately went to the bathroom and looked himself in the mirror. Washed his face in the cool water and looked again.

Only a year ago, he had had things sorted-yes things were weird but it didn't affect him so much, a stable life that was relatively happier than any other period in his life, a stable life not on the move, with a family of sorts and a job of substance in which the job title was saving the universe and how cool was that? A few weeks ago, his life was even better than that-

He gripped the sink tightly. He couldn't think about that, about how one night he went to committed boyfriend to the punchline in a physics joke....How could he have messed up so badly?  He had been so willing not to sweat the small stuff, to be convinced that only he could  bring out this new side in her and make her brighter that he had ignored the fact that it had not just been a new side but a completely new outlook. Somewhere subconsciously he had known but had chosed to bury that knowledge in favour of happiness in the here and now. And choosing to abandon the real woman he loved...to the wolves. He had no allusions about Walternate and what he could have done to Olivia over there.

Peter gagged and retched.

His stomach revolted as it had been doing for some days lately and he got sick in a bathroom stall. He shakily got up and swallowed some painkiilers and cleaned his face. His face was a bit pale but nonetheless he looked better than before which he was relieved at. Walter was starting to worry and when he worried, he began to check Peter's pupils and check Peter's breathing when he was asleep. Knowing that most of it sourced from his other self dying in his Walter's arms did not make Peter feel better about Walter worrying over him.

He knew that Walter was not his true father nor him his true son but it had never really mattered not even when he found out about the abduction. Him leaving was more about the lie, his mother's state of mind when she died and if the atmosphere in that house and whether Walter's behaviour towards them of obliviousness and mad anger had been caused by the stress of keeping such a secret. The prepubescent was still inside of Peter hoping to go fishing with a workaholic dad. And guess what? He had got a second chance with a father who wanted him and he was not going to mess that up. He buttoned up his coat and squared up his jaw.

He needed to be here with his father ..to do this job.. and somehow make it up to Olivia. Somehow.

His father was almost asleep as he got back and Peter roused him. Together they slowly made their way to home and to bed.

The observer made calculations regarding location with his instrument and headed in the opposite direction. A few jalapenos would  be satisfactory for now.

olivia, olivia/peter, walter, fringe, fanfic, peter

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