Day 10 - 01 Quote that changed your life

Mar 05, 2011 18:35

TV Shows : 10 days challenge

10 TV shows you like the most
09 characters you love
08 couples you ship
07 best episodes
06 worst villains
05 best actors/actresses
04 gifs of your favorite show
03 screencaps you like
02 songs played that you can’t get tired of
→ 01 quote that changed your life

Taken from heckyeahtumblrchallenges on Tumblr (obviously.)

Day 10 - 01 Quote that changed your life

→ "Life never delivers anything that you can't handle." heard on Castle, it was said by Beckett or her dad, I can't remember.

This is my quote. The quote that sumarize everything I believe in : Everything happens for a reason and when you are ready for it. I'm not big on sharing deep personal feelings. I just don't. But from what I have experienced in my life so far, this quote applies. It brings me up when I feel down, always reminds me to stay open to what's around me, and makes me stronger. It gives me hope.

meme : tv meme

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