Day 08, Day 09, Screencaps & songs!

Mar 04, 2011 20:29

TV Shows : 10 days challenge

10 TV shows you like the most
09 characters you love
08 couples you ship
07 best episodes
06 worst villains
05 best actors/actresses
04 gifs of your favorite show
→ 03 screencaps you like
→ 02 songs played that you can’t get tired of
01 quote that changed your life

Taken from heckyeahtumblrchallenges on Tumblr (obviously.)

Day 08 - 03 - Screencaps you like

→ Gillian Foster, Sweet Sixteen | S02E15 | Absolute favorite one!

→ Mulder & Scully, The Field Where I Died S04E05

→ Samantha Carter, Singularity | S01E14

Choosing caps wasn't that hard actually. I thought it would be harder, because I'm a huge fan of the way episodes are directed, and I pay attention to that a lot. But it was pretty much done in 3 minutes.
The first one, Gillian Foster, is my favorite cap, the one I've used the most so far, because I just like everything about it. It's arty, and the expression of it is just killing me all the time. I love it. The second one, Mulder&Scully, I just love it. The whole scene is pretty great.

And the third one... I've entered a Stargate marathon recently, so I've been rewatching everything from the start (currently at Season 3, spamming Tumblr with gifs) and I love it. Gah I had forgotten how great was this show. I'm growing fonder and fonder of Samantha Carter (character that I hated. Yes, hated.)
Long story short : When I watched this show I only watched it on TV, so it was dubbed in French (yes, lame, and a long time ago) and I never liked her because she sounded weird, I never got attached to her that much. She was okay I guess. Then I discovered Atlantis and loved it. LOVED IT. And then TPTB decided to kill Elizabeth Weir and get her replaced with Samantha Carter (SO NOT OKAY.) So that's why I kinda hated everything about her and stopped watching both shows. (But in between I discovered Farscape and fell in love with Claudia Black and Ben Browder, so I kinda got back to Stargate to watch for them... And I was probably the only one who got back to it for that reason LOL) Weird Story. I know.
But now that I'm rewatching this with "fresh feelings" and in English, I love her. Seriously, Amanda Tapping is such an amazing actress! She almost made me cry! FYI, the only one who made me cried for real so far is Kelli Williams in 'Murder on pleasant drive'. Anyway, I'm myself amazed on how great she is! And It's such a pleasant surprise! So that's my favorite shot of her so far.

Day 09 - 02 Songs played that you can't get tired of

El Bodeguero - Karl Zero & Henri Salvador
Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog - Three Dog Night

Current favorites that won't go away. lol. I just love them. And they're from The X Files. It would be way too hard to just look in my music folder for songs from TVshows that I watch, because most of them are from TVshows, or original themes, because I love them a lot.
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