The practice - Season 1/ Lindsay Dole - Mini batch of icons

Jul 15, 2010 13:27

Back with some Lindsay Dole icons from season 1!
Why season 1? Oh didn't I tell you? I made this HUGE PICSPAM about season 1 of "The Practice" that is just in a folder on my desktop, waiting patiently to be posted here ! :) And since I loved some caps, I thought "Hey, why not make some icons?!"


{01 - 05}


{06 - 10}


{11 - 15}


{16 - 18}


Because her role on this show is simply amazing and she's the most amazing character in this tv show ever !
And because it's Kelli Williams ♥

THANKS TO devilz_haircut  who always makes amazing icons and was willing to share her technics, thank you, it really works amazingly fine with dark pictures ♥

|| Alter, add text, whatever... but don't claim as yours
|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

actress : kelli williams, character : lindsay dole, show : the practice, ship : bobby&lindsay, graphics : icons

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