Lie to me* - 215 - teachers & pupils

Jul 14, 2010 01:16

The name 'Sophie' again in that episode ? I just love it ! I don't know why they chose to name the girl that way again, and why it seems to be a recuring name in that show (Gillian's daughter, Sophie in "The core of it" and now this one....), but I love it. It reminds me about Gillian's little girl every time. ♥

- I didn't.

CAL/EMILY/GILLIAN SCENE. We need more of those scenes, seriously how awesome they are all together ♥.
Emily is so our SWEETS. LOL. Angry!Gillian is the hottest. I just love how easily she gets mad sometimes, and Cal's just amused.

"Well, I'm clearly outnumbered here" - Clearly !

"I just keep coming to you  with this problem, and you keep ignoring it."
"Well, find a loan then." -- Weird reaction from Cal! Angry at Gillian ? I get that he doesn't care about the money, but their firm is Gillian's firm too. He's responsible too if they go down.

"No, she's my collegue, wherever I go, she goes" - Oh I didn't like that ! lol I know, I know it's nothing, but I couldn't help myself and tick about that sentence....


- Officer Lightman with an american accent, gotta love this ! :)

LOL at Clara looking for Cal and Gillian following her smiling knowing that he's driving Clara crazy!

"...that's what we're trying to find out, follow every lead, remember ?" Gillian telling a cop how to be a cop ! LOVED IT. And "and I think I know why Lightman isn't here" Gillian was so HBIC. And that was so adressed to Clara !

- Cal helping the guy saying goodbye to his family was heartbreaking! He was so amazing in that scene, I loved it.

CAL&EMILY dancing and twirling in Cal's office was so cute!  I love that Emily can read through Cal like that. I'm repeating myself, but I love how she's teasing him with the whole Clara-thing.

Lol at Clara flirting right in front of Gillian and not getting any response from her. CLASSY!Gillian is CLASSY.

- Cal made a dirty joke and Gillian didn't like it ! "Focus..." Professional all the way.

"We read people" Cal was hilarious in that scene ! Telling his joke and doing his thing with his hands, and Gillian was the serious & professional aspect of their firm... I loved the way she got out ! So funny ! XD

Threats against Emily = LOVE. I love to see people reactions when their loved ones are threaten/hurt. (Like I loved when Gillian got hurt in "Blinded" because of the awesome hospital scene we got after) I know, weird.


Gillian doesn't even look at her, and when she talks with Cal, they don't even look at her either. It's like she's not in the room. They don't even talk to her. I love this scene, because I think in the end, Clara's the one jealous. Gillian is just ignoring her because she knows Clara's no threat to her. And I know that ignoring people who want to mess with you is more anoying than responding to them. They kinda saved the firm, thanks to Foster. Like I said in a comment in etoilefilante LJ "why the hell does she think she'll be in control because of the loan ? I'm totally feeling that she's going to get pwned by the end of the season ! Gillian negociated the loan, and since I think she's the type to think ahead of things, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd negociated this to totally minimise Clara's actions over the company... "

"It's the best you can do?" My first reaction was: Is she serious ? Foster is still in the room ! Did she think he was going to kiss her in front of Gillian ? Seriously. And now I had the same reaction while re-watching it, so I'm sticking with this reaction then. lol
And please, I don't know if it was ironic (It didn't feel like it though) but Clara thinking she knows Cal just by spending 2 days with him is a bit arogant... and totally wrong with Foster in the room.

"Admit it. You were holding out for more than just a handshake." I'm havind dificulties understanding what she meant by that... HELP.
Did she mean that he was being polite and shake her hand because Gillian was in the room ? Or did she mean that Cal accepted the deal because Gillian wanted it ? Or did she mean that she was proud of him because Cal kept his pants on and didn't ruin it until the deal was closed ?

And Cal is not happy about the deal. AND HE CHECKS HER OUT. And kinda worried at the end.

Cal was AWESOME in that episode ! SO CLASSY. ♥
I loved the case, it was so interesting ! And the whole story was excellent ! I liked that episode a lot.

I missed Gillian so badly in that episode ! She had way less screentime than she usually has in an episode... What I loved though, was that when Gillian was there, and when she shared a scene with Clara, she was always in front, and Clara was always in the background... that was a strong meaning. I think Gillian isn't jealous, because she knows Clara won't last long (and so do we...).

- I love the fact that I hate Clara.

|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

graphics : picspam, ship : cal&gillian, show : lie to me

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