Apr 08, 2006 21:59
Wow! Look at that!
Look at what?
That, right there! Can you see it?
Of course. I see it now, and I have seen it three hundred times before.
It is amazing.
I cannot believe you have never seen it before.
Are you mad?
Mad? No. Sad? Maybe.
Why would you be sad?
Because you have lived this long and have never seen it until now.
Oh. Well, in that case, I am sad too.
How come?
This is the first time I have seen it, and I think it is beautiful. This is the three-hundred and first time you've seen it, and you don't care.
I just do not understand.
You are not alone. No one understands.
Shouldn't we though? It would be much more simple.
To understand? Or to pretend that we do?
Because you know that we have been pretending, right?
We weren't always pretending.
You're right. We used to be real.
Can't we just go back to that?
Not now. Not together.
It is not about being "right."
Oh? I always thought it was. You always thought it was.
Well, there is more than one way to win. You should know that.
You only believe that because you found it in a rulebook.
And, is there a problem with that?
Let me see the book.
I don't know what that is going to solve.
See? It's in black and white. That's the problem.
Hmm. So, these are just my intepretations of recent conversations I have had, or witnessed in some way lately. No matter how cheesy they may appear, they have a meaning, profound or not, in some way or another.