Mar 18, 2006 19:39
Friendshipism - the art of friendship
Yes, I did make up that word. But, I feel it most suitable for this topic I oftentimes find myself pondering. That is, the mystery of what friendship encompasses and what makes us care about the people we do, etc.
So, this entry has nothing to do with what I did today (however, it was decently entertaining and I'll probably follow this up with an entry including that). It is soley dedicated to a few lingering thoughts I have been considering.
I again apologize for relating so many entries, or making so many real-life references to the occurences and characters in The Great Gatsby. Now that I finished the book, this may or may not be the last mentioning of it for awhile. Anyways, one of the themes in the story is images and self-inventions, and how people often manifest their own versions of themselves depending on the company they are in.
I've been seriously debating this, and I have decided to take a more optimistic viewpoint regarding this.
In my opinion, I do not feel that all people act differently, or portray a completely different person amongst different crowds, at least intentionally. The subtle changes in personality, actions or mannerisms are brought out and nurtured by different people, not forced by oneself to fit a certain mold.
There is a time and place for everything, and everyone has multi-faceted personas. For myself, I know that certain people bring out different qualities and different feelings, depending on who they are. This may be naive of me to assume, but I can say fairly confidently that I more or less "fit in" with a diverse group of people. Many of these people I could never imagine bringing together, but, I find myself quite comfortable with either of them at any given time.
I feel that this diversification of personality traits is something to be considered healthy, and that people who act different amongst different people are not shying away from "being themselves," but are simply showing different components of themselves.
Various comfort zones for assorted situations is what determines the way I act with who I am with. However, this determination is almost completely subconscious and is due to the commonalities I share with the people I am with, or the experiences that we have together.
Now, I am not saying that these statements go for everyone. I am sure that there are people who do manufacture their self-image depending on who they need to impress, or are being judged by. But, on the other hand, I do feel that many of us are just taking advantage (in a positive way) of the qualities others have to offer, and using them to nurture and develop our own cornucopia of emotions, ideas, talents, actions, and characteristics.
I hope that someone found that at least understandable, or even maybe agreed slightly.