grok yoga?

Nov 16, 2006 22:43

Have I time?

Well, what's been rockin my world lately?

*Alan Watts, during knitting or the dishes.

*Ahh, missing my old Stitch'n'bitch crew. Sure I'm knitting a hat, but am I socializing with lovely ladies at the same time? No. A shame. I will try to set something up down here... Greenville posse, represent? Did I spell posse right?

*Raw food diet. Last couple weeks been eating bout 95% raw. This time finding it almost effortless, not stressing over "What am i going to eat next?!?" Just eating, simple things mostly, but sometimes fancy things like raw pizza, flax crackers, numerous pates... The secret is: raw is easier than cooking. Especially when your stomach begins to say, "Enough!" after 5 or 6 walnuts. I feel remarkably clear. You don't need much to stay really alive, rumor is some guy out there is living through photosynthesis. Just stares at the sun for about 1/2 hour each day. Sounds good to me. I think after a while you wouldn't even miss eating.

*The colder weather is definitely moving me towards a more cooked diet. Last two days had something substancially cooked. Otherwise on these chilly grey days I remain prepetually hungry. YEah, it's cold, I'm sittin by a fire, think I'll throw some of this food on it. Makes sense to me. I think I'll casually aim for 50-75% raw until spring time. WHICH COMES IN FEBRUARY DOWN HERE.

*Been watching Pee Wee's Playhouse with Penny. Not suprisingly, she gets really into screaming for the secret word of the day, and she feels very proud about the Penny cartoon. One of her teachers at school has always called her "the Penny Cartoon" and now it's got a new meaning for her. That mother fucker is just crazy, though, huh? Crazy cool.

*Yeah, I quit my job. Buncha bitches, I don't need that. Unfortunately I did not have another job set up, and we actually do rely on my income for living. Fortunately I get a chance to temporarily work as receptionist/secretary for my chiropractor friend. Chiropractic is amazing, I'm just learning about it. I, too, thought that a chiropractor was just a "back doctor".... Not true, not true at all. See, all your nerves run through your spine, all nerves which control everything, so if a vertebrae is out of alignment, it pinches on a nerve going to some system and fucks it all up. And everybody's spine is way out of wack. I spent my first day checking out patients' x-rays and thermographies, seeing how, "wow, they're fucked up." Then I looked at my own, which was waaay more fucked up than, like, the really old people's. How have I done this?

*But cool, I get free adjustments. Really fun. Bone-crackin fun. The one where the Dr. jerks your head around real quick and there's this loud crackling sound, that's real neat.

*And this is no ordinary Dr's Office. Do you know how we start our day? First we (the staff consists of me and the doctor) do an affirmation or cheer in a loud and cheerful manner, making occasional eye contact and high-fiving at the end. Then we meditate for 20 or so minutes on the adjustment tables. We visualize the yellow office all a-buzz with buziness. This dr. has just started his practice and is not very busy yet, but his philosophy has us "acting as if"... acting as though business is booming. He's successful, everybody's healthy and happy, laughing and ALIVE. At first it was a little awkward for me to "act" like this, but now I see that it's only a matter of time til the world follows suit. You should know that the entire office is YELLOW. Except the bathroom, which is blue. Like toilet bowl cleaner.

*Blue Velvet.

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