Good Day

Sep 16, 2006 04:17

Today, I got up before 8am because I had a meeting first thing in the morning with my DUS. He said I should consider an Honors Thesis and he directed me toward a major advisor. Gotta check her out.

Then class until 2:15. I didn't speak in any class, but lunch at the Terrace was hilarious with Hasini and Kitu. I went to the library right after school and studied until 5pm with 2 or 3 very short naps in between. I got home and chilled with Hasini, then dinner with Mat and Kitu. After a great conversation and a lot of videogames, I went home to change for a party. By 11pm we were there, but the doors had closed, so we went to another. It was hot and crowded, but we sated our dancing jones. Then we stopped for snacks and videogames ensued until 3:30am. Then we watched the best episode of South Park ever.

Now I am home and I am not nearly as sleepy as I was in ALL of my classes this morning. Ain't that the truth?

When I get up, I have to make up for all this lost time with a weekend-long study-a-thon. Not a single break until The Strokes at 8pm on Sunday. I'm very excited. They are so cute. I should have joined the Cornell Concert Commission. But how was I to know that I would get to see a Stroke up close? Maybe next time.

Working Title for Honors Thesis: "Supersize Me"
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