Nov 28, 2005 20:22
I had a FUN day at work today. How about everyone else? I had so much fun, I wanted to walk on the spot. I'm so fed up with the BS in my company, I just want to quit and move on...too bad I don't have any back up plans to fall back on...-.-;
To make a LONG story short, cause our idiot of an assistant manager won't go to a doctor to get his foot looked at, I nearly got screwed because of it. I was ready to just up and walk out cause of it but I didn't and mearly showed my frustration(which I'm surprised they didn't do anything about right away; oh I'm not)and stormed out of the place as I was forced onto my break. Coming back about 30 mins later, I'm let go for the night...I had calmed down some, but that just flaired it back up, but this time I held it in and just got out of there before words started flying. That's ok. I'll be having a nice, long talk with out stores supervisor over this and other matters in the next day or two.
On a slighty different note, to calm myself even more, instead of eating or drinking like most people out there, I went and bout another 12 packs of Racer Knights. Nothing special in them, a bunch of duplicits, including two more Tobias' ANOTHER War Hog(anyone want one? I've got 5 now), 3 Dragon's Might(again, I now have 5 fo them)2 different gremlin cassis', lots of engiens, sheils, wheels, and weapons, Neve Darkthorne the Alfar Knight, more Vermilion's(which gives me 4 now), a Xever, and a pair of Reggie Cherbones. All in all, nothing to spectauler, but I still am happy with what I got. Lots of trading material. I think I'm gonna go build a couple different cars now. That or go and play more Iris...don't know yet.
Anyway, Ja Matane!