Day: 3
Characters: Lelouch
oops_siblicide & Schuldig
so_very_guiltySummary: Schu made his waifu mad. Time to see how many rusty butter knifes it takes. D:
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Day & Morning. First Rec. SOMETIME.
Status: Closed / Incomplete
and I caught your eyes to my surprise - your white thighs - I’ll need new contraceptives )
Friend, huh. Was that officially? Schuldig swept any surprise to the side, grin brightening nicely at Lelouch, before he reached over to tug at a strand of Lelouch’s hair. “Knight in shining armor, as well as a prince, hmm?” He let the tease slip with the tug at a dark strand, and opted to drag his fingers through the hair a bit more fondly. “Don’t worry about me so much.”
He spent the few moments that followed in silence, leaning his face against his hand as his mind exhausted all possible routes of action. Most of them led to Schuldig's castration. All except--
Too many things had to go absolutely right for this scenario. Too many conditions to clear--
Lelouch thought things through again. Nothing.
This was it. All he could come up with. And though a great number of conditions had to be cleared, there was at least a definite number. It was improbable to be able to pull it off, but not impossible.
He had no choice.
It had to be attempted if he wanted to save Schuldig from himself, and Lelouch had always believed in 'in for a penny, in for a pound'.
So here he was.
"Schuldig," he murmured, glancing at his roommate demurely out of the corner of his eyes. "What do you think of me...?"
This was the first condition.
... wait a second.
Was Lelouch being fucking coy with him?
For just a schoolboy at his wit’s end, he very abruptly had won over all of Schuldig’s interest. Lelouch was definitely up to something, there was no doubt about that. Schuldig just wasn’t certain if he cared enough to pass up this chance. If this was how Lelouch was manipulative, Schuldig was all for it.
“Babe, you’re attractive and smart,” Schuldig answered bluntly, though there was a certain edge of wariness to it under an almost tame grin. “You know I like you.” Okay, okay, Schuldig failed at keeping things tame. He didn’t know what Lelouch was playing at, but he was going to take advantage of it while he could. He reached out with one hand, two light fingers hooked about Lelouch’s chin, nudging Lelouch to look at him. “Any particular reason you’re asking?”
Idly, Lelouch pondered how much of this was really part of the game.
"I'm still thinking," he murmured as a way of answer, brow knitting delicately in worry before his gaze flickered over to meet Schuldig's for the briefest second before quickly darting away again.
"You... do like me then? Not as a friend, but... Ah, certainly-- Certainly I'm nothing special... Nevermind, Schuldig, let's talk of something else."
“Ah-ah, no you don’t,” Schuldig interjected firmly. “No subject changing.” Because he knew where this was going and he was liking the general idea far too much. Maybe Lelouch was truly being honest. He did seem to be particularly inexperienced.
“Don’t keep putting yourself down like that. I don’t think you’d have all of these people chasing after you if you weren’t special.” Telepathy would have been amazing at the moment; he was so… hopeful that Lelouch was being honest. It was hard to tell when he got involved like this, it was hard to see through his own hopes and opinions. “And... I like in that ‘more-than-a-friend’ way.”
The first condition had been cleared with a surprising lack of real effort on Lelouch's part, which was almost enough to make him feel guilty. Almost. However, this was for the good of them both so he forced away his guilt and didn't give it another thought.
"All these people...? Really, Schuldig. If anyone was interested in me at all, it'd... It'd be you and you alone," Lelouch went on to sigh, hugging himself as he spoke. He glanced briefly at Schuldig again, gaze lingering for a few moments longer this time. Then he bit down on his lip and dropped his gaze again.
"What I-- All I was going to say was... ah, perhaps if you had something else to focus yourself on, you would not get yourself into quite so much trouble...?"
If it was all completely fabricated, Schuldig would have to tip his head to Lelouch for this little performance. “I doubt that, maybe I’m just the most obvious.” Schuldig replied with a tiny sheepish grin. He was a bit forward. One hand touched at Lelouch’s arm, “Relax, babe.”
The theory presented was simple and effective, but Schuldig couldn’t help raising an eyebrow at it. “It could work. What exactly am I going to focus on here though?” Unless... Lelouch was offering himself. Which seemed likely. Was he too hopeful?
Fucking score.
It was almost like a mission of sorts, if Lelouch hadn’t made the end so undeniably hot. It was asking a hell of a lot, things Schuldig was understandably uncertain if he could even provide. It wouldn’t be far off saying that Schuldig was a slut, not just that, that’d he’d never properly dated anyone in his life. There was a distinct challenge ringing in the words. Smirks and grins had been lost while he tried to wrap his mind around these orders and regulations, but he leaned a breathe closer to Lelouch, putting them face to face. He was sold to the idea. “As you wish, babe. I’ll do things your way.” One corner of his lips quirked, and he raised an eyebrow, “Consider me your new boyfriend.”
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