[ I've been walking erect since the moment we met ]

Sep 03, 2008 21:46

Day: 3
Characters: Lelouch oops_siblicide & Schuldig so_very_guilty
Summary: Schu made his waifu mad. Time to see how many rusty butter knifes it takes. D:
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Day & Morning. First Rec. SOMETIME.
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Schuldig was in trouble; that about summed up his current social status. He wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to effortlessly manage to anger so many people by sucking off one lucky guy that just so happened to be sleeping. If it weren’t for the fact that he was stuck here with these bastards, he might have just been amused. Pissing people off was his specialty, even. He was just usually aiming for it.

Except for the part where Lelouch was going to fucking rip him apart with words.

If it’d felt like it was cheating then, it was so much more than that by now. It was with great reluctance that Schuldig found his way back to their little not-so-cozy cell, wanting to linger in the hallways, but not quite trusting Lelouch bluffing about that rusty butter knife. That didn’t stop him from wavering at the door to their cell with something akin to dread. Lelouch had single handedly talked Reeve out of killing or castrating him, which Schuldig was grateful for more than he was inclined to admit. Lelouch himself was mad at the time, so the gesture only held that much more meaning.

He felt somehow indebted for it.

It was hard to stop the comparison that came to mind, as he always ended up doing something for fun, something that came back to bite him in the ass. Like Takatori taking a golf club to his face because he’d accidentally killed the Boss’s daughter - and Crawford stepping in to catch the club, even though he was pissed too. Heh. Maybe one day he’d learn to behave.

After a moment, Schuldig rolled his shoulder and pushed the door open to their cell, stepping in carelessly, though there was a certain wary tension in his muscles until his blue eyes locked onto Lelouch. He summoned up his usual, magical smirk. "You rang, babe?" He drawled, trying to keep up their typical airs, though he had the feeling he was about to get chewed out.

#place: patient block: cells, † schuldig, † lelouch lamperouge

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