Who’s got a shoulder when I need to cry

May 20, 2009 01:35

Day: 39
Characters: Reeve Tuesti [felis_fidelus], Nami [namigator], Sasuke Uchia [revengeisbitter], and Hige [apathywolf]
Summary: Just after Reeve’s latest therapy. Surprise of all surprise, Reeve actually said she could come help him, if there was such a thing as help.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Day/Right after Reeve’s return to his cell.
Status: Incomplete/Open to Sasuke and Hige as they are at that cell.

The day was off to a horrible start it seemed. Reeve had been taken to his therapy and it just seemed… foul. There was something fishy with it and in the end, that was very much true. There was that, and then the weird shit with Shira the past few days and how not long ago he was… apologizing? If you could call it that. Offering her the change to let him make it up to her. To go out and hurt someone that hurt one of her friends. Sure, that was tempting, but nothing good could have come form that. She denied it right away and the day went on.

Right on to hearing Gary’s annoying voice over the intercom, with the snake bastard, Voldemort. Two of the three voices in this place that scared her the most. Two people she despised the most out of anyone she had met before, which was saying something considering how long she worked for Arlong. It was the fact that they were working on Axel that made her snap again. Snap at the Doctors, telling them off and continuing that foul attitude with Orochimaru. She didn’t know as much about him, but after everything she heard tonight, about Jack, and Reeve, and being owned? She was getting her sinking suspicions on the nature of this matter.

She didn’t like it one bit.

The only point at this time that she felt calm at all was when she had spoken to Reeve. He was hurting, that was for sure. Perhaps not in a wounded physical way, but still hurting none the less. Orochimaru did something to him and he seemed pretty well hit by it. All she had wanted to do was to make sure he remembered that he had people here wanting to help him. He helped so many others and put such confidence in every one of them that… well she just wanted to point our that there were a lot of people who would do the same to him.

Thus her surprise came on strong when he said she could help, if she wanted, though he didn’t know how. She didn’t know how either, to be honest. She didn’t know him that well, she had never met him before, and really, the other might be better at comforting him then she could be. They were all closer after all. Reeve still intimidated her something terrible, though it wasn’t a bad thing, just a big respect thing. At this moment though she didn’t feel very worried on that at all. This was different. Perhaps she could help.

Telling him she would be there soon, promising it even, she gathered her last stack of bandages, and a roll, just in case. Tucking these into a bit of blue cloth, folded it over and tied it down, bundling it all together. Whispering that she was on her way so as to give him a heads up that she would be coming, she slipped out the doors. Thankful that it was an open door period.

The cell she was looking for she knew very well, as she use to pass it all the time when she first got here. Now she approached it, stopping at the door of the room, pushing the door open a bit and peeking in. Cleaning her throat just a bit, to make her presence known the thin orange haired pirate girl slipped through the open door. She stopped short of the door, hands holding the bundler of bandages.

There was a dark haired boy and another by one bed to which she silently gave a nod, her mind running through her thought banks to remember who they would be. It didn’t take long. Sasuke and the eyes with Hige who hadn’t left his side. That left one other person, over at the little sink (how nice to have one of those in a room, no?) scrubbing at his face. A dark haired man on his knees, trying, it seemed to clean himself up.

Biting her lip, a moment of nervousness washed over her, but she inched in, past the other boys, hoping not to disturb anyone really. She slipped over, and made sure she didn’t get too close, so not to startle him. Lowering herself closer to the ground, she sat, bare feet were flat on the ground, her knees bent and body balanced over it, scrunched up. She sat the bundle on her knees, and crossed her arm around the caps. Looking over to him, then down, so not to look at him just yet, she whispered in a very soft toned voice. “Reeve? It’s Nami. I just want to help, okay?”

#place: patient block: cells, † nami, † reeve tuesti, † sasuke uchiha, † hige

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