Day: 27.
Characters: Jack Kelly (
cowboy_newsie ), Miles Edgeworth (
mentis_reae ), Manfred Von Karma (
lawful_perfect )
Summary: There's a personal issue that Von Karma needs solving. Woo, big deal, we all have problems.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: Second Rec (backdated)
Status: Closed/Incomplete.
The man had seemed arrogant over the intercoms, and Jack couldn't help thinking, as he walked through the hallways, of Edgeworth when he had first come here: stuffy, arrogant and condescending. Normally he'd've mocked the man before letting him know the basics of Edelweiss. But he was Edgeworth's teacher, and out of respect for his friend, Jack was trying very hard to be polite to the man-- Von Karma, that was his name. Manfred Von Karma, the best lawyer of their generation. Well, that was fine and grand for him, but if the man didn't soon learn that not everyone was so friendly here, he'd get in trouble.
Jack wondered vaguely what the hell was so damn personal that the man couldn't share on the intercoms. He hadn't started yelling about I don't belong here, I'm not crazy, let me out, like most new people did. No, it was something oddly private. Roommate? Maybe he was upset about rooming with Tinkerbell? But that wasn't really embarrassing to say over the intercoms. And he couldn't be hurt, not this quickly.
He'd find out soon enough. Knocking on the door, Jack hesitated and then opened. "Von Karma? Look, wha's so personal ya needed me t'come down?"