[there's a new voice over the intercom tonight, not counting the other strange and various happenings. he sounds pouty and unamused -- but then again, who wouldn't in this situation?]
You peasants had better hope that this is some elaborate joke, lest you wish for metal embedded in your faces. The prince is so bored in this tiny, disgusting room. I
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[a small laugh, the sound mostly hissing through his teeth.]
What if the prince cuts open your stomach and strings your guts around this tiny room as decoration? I could paint a picture with your blood on the wall too. Use your skin as a rug and hang your eyes from the ceiling. It would be fun, if not tedious.
[It's just shocking how well he's taking the crazy in stride.]
See? Now you're getting it! Much better. Although I would prefer to have say in what picture gets painted with my blood. I've always had a soft spot for classic landscapes.
Ooh, by the way, are you my captor? I would love to get home. Boss will be displeased with me if I'm gone too long. He'll probably throw me out a window or slam my head against a wall if I'm not back soon.
Nope, sorry, just another 'patient'. I'm surprised they haven't snarkily chimed in yet to tell you you're crazy. Must be a busy night. I'm Face.
What do you mean by 'patients' and who are 'they'? I am no one's patient.
Oh, that's so funny! You are a very amusing peasant - I'll have to try to remember you once I've slaughtered you for telling such a cute little lie. There's nothing that needs to be cured about me. I'm a prince. I'm perfect.
Is there a way to get out of this little cell? I'm so bored in here and it's dark and cold. Not suitable for royalty at all.
Might I suggest the doorknob?
... Is it unlocked? It was locked earlier.
[he turns to the door, taking a few steps towards it. maybe this is just some extremely stupid dream that he'll wake up from later. regardless, he goes to open it -- and it does indeed open. holy shit.]
It was locked earlier.
They open them at nights. It makes no sense to me either, before you ask, which might actually be the point when you think about it.
[peeking down the halls. they seem desolate.]
Such a cheery environment... Do you have a specific location?
What, you mean me specifically as a person, or what planet we're on?
[whining, lol. he's so classy.]
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