Once tagged by this entry, write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. In the end of it, pick six of your friends and tag them! (No tag backs.) This explanation must be included, of course.
1) I realized the other day that I have never bought furniture from a real furniture store. Everything I own was either handed down to me, purchased piece by piece from antique stores or flea markets, or bought on ebay. I've never even bought a bedroom set.
2) I've jokingly threatened to drive through the Mormon church's parking lot (just as my mom and her friends are leaving) with the top down on my convertible and the radio blaring Cypress Hill's "Hits from the Bong." She never laughs!
3) I just downloaded "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffet. It's awesome! I'm now ready to go to sea with
4) I have little confidence in most medical doctors. It's a long story. I just keep going because they can score me drugs!
5) I want to do something very special for my dad for helping to fix up my condo. I know that he doesn't expect anything, but I want to surprise him. He's been wonderful.
6) I'm getting my hair done before I visit
mandaann on Thursday. I might even get a facial. I haven't had a facial in months!!!