The Traveller Returns/Roll Call

Apr 21, 2006 22:03

I'm sure I've mentioned it here enough so that you all are well aware, but in exactly a week from now, I will be experiencing hour 14 of my 30+ hour journey home. One more time, from the rafters:


That's just really cool for me. I can't wait to speak English with fluent conversation partners, eat greasy, sloppy, American food again, and, of course, see all of you crazy kids. For the record, I'm arriving really late on Friday night and will be sticking around in Portland hanging with my folks and people down there until either Wednesday (Maine Day) or the day after when I will head up to Bangor area. I'll be sticking around there until commencement and then am going back to Scarborough for a day and heading home the day after.

There's a couple of problems, though. First, I'm really bad with keeping up with my "Little Black Book" and don't have contact info for anybody (I would've sent this out as an email, but, well... see above). Second, I know that this time is around finals for all of you, so my timing sucks. When is a good time for you to hang out (and what do you want to do, else I may just go with my old standby of drinking and talking)? Finally, as mentioned earlier, I'll need places to crash. Ideally, places should be somewhat flexible, because I really don't want to get caught in a schedule on my vacation. And, yes, I am shamelessly begging.

If you read this, just post answers to the above questions in a comment to this entry (include a name if you're going to post anonymously). All comments will be screened.

PS -- Thanks in advance if you reply.
PPS -- The above goes double if you'll let me crash your place for a night or two.

usa trip 2006

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