Ladies and gentlemen, one final post for the evening.
For those of you who are not yet aware, there is a terrific website out there called The Gatehouse (, which is put together and run by a wonderful gentlemen from the Netherlands,
ottens. The site's discussion page can be found here: The website is wonderfully put together, beautiful to look at, and another handy place on the net to discuss topics of significance. In addition, it is a nice segue into pulp, a genre near and dear to my heart. They even have a free magazine that can be downloaded from the site, and I think it would be an excellent spot for up and coming writers and avid readers.
In addition, they have a livejournal community:
gatehouse Finally, I would like to offer the following website to the crafty sewing enthusiasts among you: makes a very fun skirt out of an umbrella. Absolutely marvelous, if you ask me.
In closing, I would like to apologize for posting so much recently. I've been very busy working on my thesis and on my writing, and I've spent a little too much time at the computer.
Regards, etc.,
G. D.