Epic boot sale here

Feb 08, 2011 15:24

Go to this website


When you get in to the site, click the sale for Miz Mooz boots and go look now. They have yet to sell out of everything. They have these great Oxford style men shoes for women for under 40 bucks. If you are in need of good leather boots go look. I just got the Jasper Boot in black. I had been looking at for months at the store but did not like the price tag they had on them at the store. But now I got them and will be wearing it at the end of the month at Anachro*con. WOOT!

To add they also have a ton of books for sale: books on style, fashion, sewing and weddings. They also have lots of fiction, like "Jane Goes Batty" and Cherie Priest'snew book at more then 30% off the cover price. I don't think you can even find her new book at every bookstore yet as it just came out last week. So if you where looking to grab it up, there you go.http://www.hautelook.com/

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