Armwarmers & Gloves for you! And a hand cannon for me!

Feb 08, 2010 19:35

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I submit for your approval some new items in our Neo-Victorian knitting line. These are some fabulous gloves and armwarmers that were made by the fairer partner of Highwind Steamworks (Aukert here on the board). We're looking at making more of these, so any feedback is welcome!

In addition to new items in the shop, I would also love to share my new personal firearm (not for sale) that is ALMOST complete. There is some detail work that clearly still needs to be done, but I'm so excited about how it looks that I had to share it right away. Yes, the base component is an all brass vintage gasoline pump that was found in a forest preserve (no idea why it was there!)

First the armwarmers:

All are up at the shop on Etsy:

And now.... Dr. Cid's Annihilus Cannon (Description of it's use to be completed upon final construction)

props, sale, knitting

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