Super awesome cane....

Nov 13, 2007 16:07

Disclaimer: Sorry if someone has posted this before...I'm just very excited...:D

Hullo, there! It's been a while since my first post. Anyhow. I went shopping this weekend in Northampton, MA and found myself admiring a nice wooden cane.
I showed it to my friend, who shrugged (she's into Steampunk, too). So, I put it down only to have another friend discover some interesting things about it...Not only does it have a hidden test tube/vial but it also hides away a little compass!! Pictures are under the cut, if you care to see them.

I love that it comes apart into three pieces so that one can travel easily with it without having to use it.

Put together.

Unscrew half of the top and you get a compass!

Compass close up.

The test tube!

All together!

I'm considering hiding a small map and a key inside the vial. Any thoughts?

canes, photos, compasses, props

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