Time-disruptor glaive

Oct 09, 2009 20:01

Hello one, hello all! First time posting...
I am in the middle of making a couple of steam punk costumes for me and my fiance and have come up with a gadget based on the "UV glaive" from the blade movies and tv series both which I am a fan of.

I call it the "Time-disruptor glaive". The idea is that it's meant to throw at objects and enemies and when it's stuck on the target the time-disruptor in it basically sends a big chunk from the target somewhere in time, and after that the glaive returns to the owner through time and space.

This is an image of it so far, it's made from plexiglass that I'm sanding into shaped. The idea is that the centerpiece is going to be made of a broken pocket-watch and maybe some flashy electronics and stuff.

As you can see it's fully fold-able

Of course its not going to me transparent when I am done! ;P
It's going to be either silver or brass painted with a gold or silver pocket-watch on the round middle part.
 Now I am wondering what my fellow man thinks of my idea/creation/possible rip-off?

diy, weapons

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