Steam and Keys?

Oct 07, 2009 00:04

For reasons I cannot quite explain, I have always had a fascination with Steampunk accessories involving watch bits...and old keys.

Recently, my grandmother offered me a treasure trove of her own belongings as she is passing her legacy piece by piece to her grandchildren while she can.

I suppose it surprised her that, of all the shining splendors there, my choice was a handful of old tarnished keys.

My question, now, is...what can I do with these beauties? I wish to make something wearable that both speaks of my love for all things Steamy and acts, also, as a memento of my Grandma. I have thought of a charm-necklace, but the pieces are rather big and awfully heavy. Can some of your helpful folk point me to photo references for inspiration, or perhaps offer any insights?

Thank you!

jewelry, references, keys

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