The House of Canney Wants YOU..!

Oct 17, 2008 13:13

As I have mentioned before I am in the process of getting my first made to measure Historic inspired collection together. With that in mind I wanted to go ahead and see if there was any interest out there for modeling. I am in the East Side of Atlanta and will be in need of male and female models for my shoot of the collection which will be taken on site of the grounds of my complex as well as within the studio. I hope to do this shoot in early December.

What is The house of Canney looking for in their models?
  • Males around a size 30. Females around a size 10/12 (My sample pieces are all being made in this size, but will be offered in larger sizes) However if you are a larger size and still have interest in modeling please let me know and give me your size and we can see if something can be worked out.
  • Able to provide your own footwear and some possible accessories (I do have several pairs of mens and womens footwear but only in size 10 to 11. I am currently working with in the hopes of displaying a collection of steampunk jewelry being exclusively designed for my site!)
  • Able to travel to location.
  • Able to style your own hair and make up *This may change if anyone is willing to help out with hair and make-up
  • And most importantly fun and outgoing!

Since I am a small self run business I will not be able to pay you for your time, however I will give everyone copies of the final photos. Your names will be listed where ever the images are used.  I will also give 15% discounts to your first purchase on my site. This discount will be extended to ALL who buy items from The House of Canney and get good clear site worthy photos for use on my site.

Although I will be checking the comments left on here, PLEASE email me at with "Model" in the subject.

Please feel free to email me as well if you have interest in assisting with hair and make up as well!

Thank you ALL for your time!


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