Try it out if you have a DS! So worth it!
I just finished the game! In fact, I stayed up till 6 in the morning playing it because I couldn't put it down. This is a lot, coming from me, because I almost make a point to never sacrifice sleep for anything.
In any case, a quick doodle and some thoughts. Major spoilers for the
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Missile and Sissel/Yomiel were my favorite characters. : D
I liked Cabanela and Yomiel + Sissel. The ending was kind of sad too, Yomiel is the angstiest villain since the dawn of angsty villains.
Also that bit where he and Missile twirl into the room was just about the most adorable thing I've seen. : D
Yomiel ;__; Take that, final fantasy, he's angstier then thou!
I do think that Yomiel's heel face turn was a bit quick, but WHATEVER I guess. He turned into an angsty cutie.
Oh lord you're right, why are you so adorable Yomiel wtf
I find it interesting that I can see Yomiel and Sissel clearly as two different people even though both use the same sprite sheet (at first)--Yomiel's super conflicted, angry and angst-ridden; Sissel's easygoing, snarky, and always in pursuit of "the truth".
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