Aug 15, 2011 22:36


Woooooooow! You humans have very strange communication devices! Voice instead of text? How rudimentary. Good thing I'm smart enough to easily figure out how to use it.

Is this what being human feels like? All squishy and easily bruised? I would have expected better from our universe! But, despite my great patience, now I'm totally bored with being human. So someone can do me the favor of telling me where they're stashing my real body and my dice. Man, thievery is a really lame tactic to resort to try to beat me! Sounds like someone out there is scaaaaaaaared.

But I guess you did manage to sabotage me and bring me to your tiny human town, so! Whoever is in charge here, congrats! I'm a little bit impressed with you. Are you in cahoots with Jack Noir? Not that it matters anyway you cut it. This place is really pretty lame and I've got things to do! Heroes to train and all that. So, humans on the other end, you're going to do me the honor of telling me out to get the hell out!

And since you're clearly curious, the name is Mar-

[Is there really any point in using that name anymore? She already confessed her real name to John.]

Vriska Serket, since everyone was probably curious! Or however your humans introduce yourselves. I really don't caaaaaaaare!

[Action-308 Miller St.]

[Hello, Death family! Meet your new edition! She's currently a young girl, of about thirteen, with long black hair and ice blue eyes. Not that she acts like any regular 13 year old girl.

She's currently ripping the house apart. Things have been pulled from the shelves, all the cushions yanked off the couch, and she's currently going through the fridge.]

[Action-Around town]

[Vriska is currently walking down the street, staring at all the humans that pass her and rolling her eyes at anyone who greets her.]

Someone's really got your tiny grub brains under a deep spell, huh?

[She pauses when she passes a car.]

So these are the transportation pods that John talked about! Iiiiiiiinteresting! [She looks around before climbing in through the open window. She settles herself in the drivers seat before laying on the horn and laughing when all the drones in the vicinity give her a dirty look.]

being human sucks, welcome to mayfield, cars are awesome, hey youre a crazy bitch

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