Title: Unlikely Pairings
Word count: 100
Author: Stealingpennies
Characters: Lester/Connor
Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 456: Cookies and Cream
Lester wondered if he was getting old. The last time he had bought ice cream it had come in a choice of three: vanilla, chocolate or strawberry.
Now he stood with Connor in front of a freezer full of unfamiliar, unappealing combinations.
“You choose,” he said. “It’s not as if I’ll be eating any of it.”
Connor winked. “I’ll let you have a lick or two.”
PDAs always embarrassed Lester. He headed this one off quickly. “I doubt it. Sour grapes doesn’t seem to be amongst the options.”
Connor gave him a knowing look. “Cookies and cream it is then.”