Primeval fic: Second Chances

Sep 29, 2015 23:04

Title: Second chances

Word count: 100

Characters: Nick, Jenny

Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 438: Wasted


Jenny laughed and it was Claudia’s laugh, warm and inviting.

Nick shut his eyes so that he could pretend, if only for a moment, that Claudia was still there. Instantly the sound ceased. He opened his eyes to find Jenny glaring at him.

“I’m not her!” she snapped, hurt registering briefly before she schooled her expression to indifference. “She doesn’t exist.”

“She did!” Nick insisted.

Jenny sighed. “So you say, but whatever you think you had with this woman it’s gone. She’s gone. You can’t be loyal to a past that doesn’t even exist. You can only destroy a future.”


jenny, nick, primeval, drabble

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