Primeval fic: Fortune Telling

Jul 28, 2015 23:11

Title: Fortune Telling

Word count: 100

Characters: Becker/Connor

Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 429: Mirror, mirror

AN: Fluffy slash for when all else fails


“Not again!” snapped Becker before he could stop himself. Connor looked distraught but whether at Becker’s tone or the broken mirror it was impossible to say.

“Sorry, sorry,” muttered Connor ineffectually gathering up fragments of glass.

“Leave it, Conn, you’ll cut yourself. I’ll get a broom.”

“It was an accident,” insisted Connor as he allowed himself to be pulled up.

“Naturally. How many is it now?”

“Nine. That’s 63 years of bad luck.”

Becker grinned at his boyfriend’s woebegone expression and kissed the tip of his nose. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

Connor grinned back, reluctantly. “Probably both.”


becker/connor, primeval, drabble

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