Primeval fic: Walk a Mile

Jan 27, 2015 22:53

Title: Walk a Mile

Word count: 100

Characters: Lester/Connor

Rating: PG-13
Written for P100 challenge 403: Upside Down

AN: I know a company that actually does this - albeit without a direct swap.


“More mash, please,” chirped Connor. “Sally always gives me two servings.”

Lester slopped down a second helping of what he couldn’t help categorising as prison rations.

Connor grinned and met Lester’s glare with a look that said not being able to sit down for a week would be worth it.

Lester sighed and picked up his spoon again. When he found out exactly who was responsible for this outrage he would set a raptor on him. Or at least leak salacious gossip to the press.

Meanwhile ‘Job Swap’ day must be endured. He hoped Sally was finding his chair comfortable.


primeval, lester/connor, drabble

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